Matthew is our Online Retail and wholesaling guru. He has over a decade of hands on in the trenches experience in E-Commerce sales. Matthew started selling products online with only $600, and these efforts developed into a thriving internet based businesses he built from the ground up. Matthew's years of hands-on experience give him invaluable insight into all aspects of operating E-Commerce based businesses. His passion for working with people and networking is what has allowed him to create strong business relationships and an expansive network in Ecom. Matthew Co-Founded Bearly Art, a successful Arts and Crafts brand and brings real world experience to all of our relationships.
Jeremy Su is an entrepreneur, business mentor, and co-founder of Turner & Su. Over the last 10+ years, he has specialized in product design and marketing. He holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington and has worked in several industries including robots, home goods, and concert lighting. As a Project Manager, Jeremy has designed robots to perform household tasks and as a Project Design Engineer created world-class automatic stage lighting that has been featured on Broadway, the Super Bowl, and many other events around the world. Currently, he focuses on developing branding and marketing strategies to create impactful brands both online and offline.